Do_Gooders Vol 1

I'm excited and grateful to have some of my photographic work shot at KAOS London and Klub Verboten included in DO_GOODERS vol 1. Thank you Paraphilia Collective!

Hold on tight and treat yourself. The publication is available from Paraphilia Collective’s SHOP

Do_Gooders was created as a way to raise funds to support artists, creators and members of the UK BDSM and kink scene affected by the current situation.

This 80-page full-colour publication spans the spectrum of BDSM interests. Included within the 13 articles are photo essays, a one-act play about castration, a report on the UK Fet-Archive by their head archivist and a plethora of other tantalising smutty goodness.

Published by the Paraphilia Collective with contributions from:

@adelebrydges @athene_athene @conorflix @delta_elena @fuckthepost @hamishmacpherson @ladyacss @lukewanderson @oh.francoise @samm_rope 
@stella.polaris @t0Zt0Z @ukfetisharchive @zbigniewkotkiewicz & Shady Sadie