Love Letters videography

I was commissioned to create some promotional videography for Love Letters, a brand new musical produced by Queen’s Theatre. The project involved filming and editing three videos.

First I worked on two ‘In rehearsal’ videos including interviews with the writer and director Douglas Rintoul and the lead actress, Lucy Benjamin, which were followed by a production trailer.

Future of Theatre | Digital Theatre Conference from The Stage

I made some video content for The Stage’s the Future of Theatre conference, which due to the pandemic moved entirely online. I filmed and edited a keynote speech by Matthew Xia and an interview with Andrew Lloyd Webber. The videos are available to the conference ticket holders. The articles below contain stills from the videos.

12358 Dance Like It's Political 2021 Collection - lookbook and video shoot

I managed to shoot lookbook images and video for 12358’s first collection in Dalston Superstore’s basement just before the venue’s door closed again following the Tier 4 restrictions.

You can now watch the video via the IGTV link below the image.

Many thanks to the talented Timothy Wang, 12358 creator and designer who got me on board, to Mattéo for modelling and to Matt at Dalston Superstore for allowing us to use the space.

Christmas Allsorts - production trailer

I made a production trailer for the Queen’s Theatre’s ‘Christmas Allsorts’ variety show. For the first time ever the theatre wasn’t able to produce a pantomime however they managed to create this glamorous and funny 4 actors/musicians show. Unfortunately the production had a very short run due to the pandemic and Tier 4 restrictions introduced in London only two days after the opening night.

Murmuration of Starlings - Collaboration with Szymon Brzóska and Barbara Drazkov

These are unprecedented times and creatives of many fields are unable to carry on with their work as usual. However despite being stuck at our different locations, we can still keep things moving and creative juices flowing thanks to the Internet.

I made an abstract experimental video for a new beautiful track composed by the talented Szymon Brzóska. Performed effortlessly by Barbara Drazkov.